Research Skills
1 Research management
1.1 Best practices
Best practices for researchers compiled by the Open Science Foundation. From file management to publishing research output.
1.2 Open Science
Seven Easy Steps to Open Science: An Annotated Reading List will provide you with a great overview of Open Science and how to implement Open Science practices in your own research.
The first thing you can do to make your research open is to share the data and analysis code in public repositories, like the Open Science Framework.
1.3 Version control with git
Learn Version Control with Git is a gentle introduction to version control using the software git. With git you can easily keep “snapshots” of your code, papers or dissertation, and track the full history of changes so that you can easily roll back to a previous state if necessary.
2 Write up
For help on Writing skills, please check the Writing Skills Centre [login required].
2.1 Dynamic documents with Quarto and Rmarkdown
Write dynamic documents, from papers to dissertations, with Quarto or Rmarkdown.
Dynamic documents are documents that mix plain text and code, so that you can embed your analyses straight into the document.
Code output like model summaries and plots are directly rendered within the document, and you don’t have to include them manually. The benefit is that if your data or analysis has changed, you can simply render the document again and everything will be up-to-date!
2.2 Write with LaTeX
Learn LaTeX in 30 minutes and focus on writing content rather than formatting it.
3 Other resources
You should also check out the Practical Research Skills website. Although it focusses on psychological research, most of the methods and concepts also apply to linguistic research.