Course schedule
Analysis of Yoda speech in conversation
The Yoda Speech Corpus on Kaggle has dialogues from the Star Wars movies with Yoda as an interlocutor.
Stefano Coretta
Glottobank is an international research consortium established to document and understand the world’s linguistic diversity. [… W]e seek to develop new methods in language…
Stefano Coretta
Is ‘gay speech’ a thing?
A topic of debate, but still perhaps an understudied topic, is whether it exists a type of speech that specifically indexes sexuality and if so what its features are.
Stefano Coretta
Language endangerment and linguistic diversity
Linguistic diversity is a feature of specific geographic areas which tries to quantify how “diverse” that particular area is linguistically. You can think of linguistic…
Stefano Coretta
LinguaMeta: Unified metadata for thousands of languages
We introduce LinguaMeta, a unified resource for language metadata for thousands of languages, including language codes, names, number of speakers, writing systems…
Stefano Coretta
Morphology in Scottish Gaelic
This data set on the morphology of Scottish Gaelic contains data from a linguistic questionnaire on Scottish Gaelic morphology, from several locations.
Stefano Coretta
PHOIBLE: cross-linguistic phonological inventory data
PHOIBLE is a repository of cross-linguistic phonological inventory data, which have been extracted from source documents and tertiary databases and compiled into a single…
Stefano Coretta
Sentiment analysis of Tweets on ChatGPT
Kaggle is a great resource for finding data sets that can be useful in Natural Language Processing.
Stefano Coretta
Statistical modelling with regression
When working on this challenge,
make sure you are in the course Quarto Project
you created earlier.
Stefano Coretta, Elizabeth Pankratz
WALS - World Atlas of Language Structures
The World Atlas of Language Structures (WALS) is a large database of structural (phonological, grammatical, lexical) properties of languages gathered from descriptive…
Stefano Coretta
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