graph TD A[Start here] B[Research methods] click B href "posts/hodotics.html" "Go to page" style B fill:#008000,color:#FFF,stroke-width:2px C[Computer basics] click C href "posts/computer-basics.html" "Go to page" style C fill:#008000,color:#FFF,stroke-width:2px D[R basics] click D href "posts/r-basics.html" "Go to page" style D fill:#008000,color:#FFF,stroke-width:2px E[Statistical variables] click E href "posts/stat-variables.html" "Go to page" style E fill:#008000,color:#FFF,stroke-width:2px F[Intro to Quarto] click F href "posts/intro-quarto.html" "Go to page" style F fill:#008000,color:#FFF,stroke-width:2px G[R Troubleshooting] click G href "posts/r-troubleshooting.html" "Go to page" H[Read data in R] click H href "posts/data-types.html" "Go to page" style H fill:#008000,color:#FFF,stroke-width:2px I[Read multiple files] click I href "posts/import-multiple.html" "Go to page" J[Intro regression I] click J href "posts/intro-regression.html" "Go to page" style J fill:#008000,color:#FFF,stroke-width:2px K[Introduction to plotting] click K href "posts/intro-plot.html" "Go to page" style K fill:#008000,color:#FFF,stroke-width:2px L[Wrangling data] click L href "posts/wrangle.html" "Go to page" style L fill:#008000,color:#FFF,stroke-width:2px M[Plotting basics] click M href "posts/plotting-basics.html" "Go to page" style M fill:#008000,color:#FFF,stroke-width:2px N[Bar charts] click N href "posts/bar-charts.html" "Go to page" O[Filtering] click O href "posts/wrangle-filter.html" "Go to page" P[Mutating] click P href "posts/wrangle-mutate.html" "Go to page" Q[Pivoting] click Q href "posts/wrangle-pivoting.html" "Go to page" Z[Faceting plots] click Z href "posts/plot-faceting.html" "Go to page" AA[Density plots] click AA href "posts/plot-density.html" "Go to page" AB[Advanced plotting] click AB href "posts/plot-advanced.html" "Go to page" AC[Summary measures] click AC href "posts/summaries.html" "Go to page" style AC fill:#008000,color:#FFF,stroke-width:2px AD[Empirical research] click AD href "posts/research-context.html" "Go to page" style AD fill:#008000,color:#FFF,stroke-width:2px AE[Research Qs and Hs] click AE href "posts/research-qh.html" "Go to page" style AE fill:#008000,color:#FFF,stroke-width:2px AF[Quantitative analysis] click AF href "posts/data-analysis.html" "Go to page" style AF fill:#008000,color:#FFF,stroke-width:2px AG[Inference] click AG href "posts/inference.html" "Go to page" style AG fill:#008000,color:#FFF,stroke-width:2px AH[Statistics] click AH href "posts/statistics.html" "Go to page" style AH fill:#008000,color:#FFF,stroke-width:2px AI[Repro/repli] click AI href "posts/repro-repli.html" "Go to page" style AI fill:#008000,color:#FFF,stroke-width:2px AJ[Proj Management] click AJ href "posts/management.html" "Go to page" AK[File management] click AK href "posts/file-manage.html" "Go to page" AL[Machine Learning] click AL href "posts/machine-learning.html" "Go to page" AM[R scripts] click AM href "posts/scripts.html" "Go to page" style AM fill:#008000,color:#FFF,stroke-width:2px AN[R packages] click AN href "posts/packages.html" "Go to page" style AN fill:#008000,color:#FFF,stroke-width:2px AO[Frequentist vs Bayesian] click AO href "posts/freq-bayes.html" "Go to page" style AO fill:#008000,color:#FFF,stroke-width:2px AP[P-values] click AP href "posts/p-values.html" "Go to page" style AP fill:#008000,color:#FFF,stroke-width:2px R[Intro regression II] click R href "posts/intro-regression-predictors.html" "Go to page" style R fill:#008000,color:#FFF,stroke-width:2px S[Regression: categorical predictors] click S href "posts/intro-regression-categorical.html" "Go to page" style S fill:#008000,color:#FFF,stroke-width:2px T[MCMC draws] click T href "posts/regression-draws.html" "Go to page" U[Indexing predictors] click U href "posts/regression-indexing.html" "Go to page" V[Interactions] click V href "posts/regression-interactions.html" "Go to page" W[Categorical-categorical interactions] click W href "posts/regression-interactions-catcat.html" "Go to page" X[Bernoulli regression] click X href "posts/regression-bernoulli.html" "Go to page" AQ[Numeric-numeric interactions] click AQ href "posts/regression-interactions-numnum.html" "Go to page" AT[Poisson regression] click AT href "posts/regression-poisson.html" "Go to page" AU[Ordinal regression] click AU href "posts/regression-ordinal.html" "Go to page" AV[Bayesian regression papers] click AV href "posts/bayes-papers.html" "Go to page" style AV fill:#00008B,color:#FFF,stroke-width:2px AX[Regression model cheat-sheet] click AX href "posts/regression-cheat-sheet.html" "Go to page" style AX fill:#00008B,color:#FFF,stroke-width:2px AY[Sample size] click AY href "posts/sample-size.html" "Go to page" style AY fill:#00008B,color:#FFF,stroke-width:2px AZ[Wrong inference] click AZ href "posts/regression-freq-bayes.html" "Go to page" style AZ fill:#00008B,color:#FFF,stroke-width:2px AW[Reporting] click AW href "posts/reporting.html" "Go to page" style AW fill:#00008B,color:#FFF,stroke-width:2px AR[Interactive plots] click AR href "posts/plot-plotly.html" "Go to page" AS[Plotting tips] click AS href "posts/plot-galleries.html" "Go to page" A --> B & C B --> AD & AF & AJ AD --> AE AE --> AI AF --> AG & AH AJ --> AK C --> D D --> AN & G AN --> H AH --> AO AO --> J & AP & AV H --> AM AM --> F & I I --> Q F --> E E --> J & K & L & AC & AL K --> M M --> N & Z & AA & AS & AW N --> AB AA --> AB AB --> AR AC --> AW AI --> AY AP --> AY L --> O & P & Q P --> N & AA %% Regression J --> R --> S --> T & U & AW & AX & AZ U --> V & X V --> W W --> AQ X --> AQ & AT & AU
The Adventurer’s Map to the Notebook
Here you can find the “Adventurer’s Map” to the course. The Map shows the pathways you can take among the Notebook entries. This Map will grow throughout the semester as new entries are added to the Notebook.
In blue are entries that were recently added. In green are entries that you should have read by now, as per Course schedule.